Ayesha Rosena Anna McGowan


Decatur, GA

I’ve always been a super active person. I loved playing outside with my friends as a kid. Some of my favorite memories are of following my grandparents around while they grew food and took care of their cows. I remember the time my grandpa helped us make DIY fishing poles out of branches, fishing line, and hooks. He made a catfish pond for my grandma, and we’d go fish there sometimes. I’d pedal my tiny little huffy behind my grandma on her big steel red cruiser. I’d run through the woods with my friends, coming up with shortcuts between our houses and discovering untamed sections of our suburb. Long before I knew there was an outdoor industry, I loved the outdoors. I want everyone to have the freedom I felt as a child. To explore parts unknown and not have to worry about being confronted with naysayers who don’t think they belong. We do belong.

Follow me on Instagram @ayesupppose